Why Bernie?

For the last 50 years, Bernie has been fighting for working class people, refusing to take money from big corporations, and helping workers take on their billionaire bosses.

His campaign has over 1 MILLION volunteers and millions of donors, ready to knock doors, make calls and organize to fight for each other beyond 2020. His record and his campaign make him the only candidate with a true chance of beating Donald Trump.

Bernie is building a truly diverse coalition of working class people— nurses, teachers, electricians, students, activists and artists- and has the most support among immigrants, queer people, women and people of color.

His platform includes:

✔ Medicare for All and Cancelling Medical Debt

✔ College for All and Cancelling All Student Debt

✔ Homes for All and a National Rent Control

✔ Unions for All and a Jobs Guarantee

✔ A Green New Deal

✔ Voting Rights for All US Citizens

✔ Ending Mass Incarceration and Abolishing Cash Bail

✔ Closing the Camps and Breaking up ICE and CBP

and much, much, much more!

We would pay for it by taxing the rich fairly and ending unnecessary war and corporate subsidies.

How does that sound to you?

Great! Where and how do I vote?