Steering Committee Meeting Minutes: May 22nd, 2022

East Bay DSA 

Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

May 22nd, 2022

2-4 pm

Settle in

  • Carlos O
  • Annika B
  • Shane R
  • Lindsey M
  • Neder GS
  • Andrew R
  • Maddy GW
  • Max M
  • Hasan A
  • Benny Z
  • Kat O

  • Sean M
  • Hillary C
  • Gerald S

Approval of Agenda

Consent Agenda

Henry Vogt Data Access Request 

Submitted by: Ian Miller

Whereas Henry Vogt has volunteered to support the chapter in working with both the Operations and Communications committees, 

Whereas experienced operators will train Henry in both the technical operation of NationBuilder, Van, and other necessary systems and in the chapter’s established processes and best practices, 

Therefore be it resolved, that Henry Vogt be delegated the appropriate permission set in the chapter’s CRM to cut lists, send emails, and other operations approved by the committees and by chapter leadership.

Be it further resolved that Henry is authorized only to use chapter member data on condition that he does so in accordance with the existing data use policies laid out by the East Bay DSA operations committee.

Be it further resolved that Henry will receive training in the operation of NationBuilder, Van, and any other systems deemed necessary by the committees he represents. 

Resolution to Reaffirm EBDSA’s Commitment to the Liberation of Palestine and to Endorse the statement For an Internationalist DSA

Submitted by East Bay DSA’s Anti-Imperialist Working Group; passed by straw poll at the April GM

Whereas, socialists in the US have the necessity and responsibility to oppose imperialism, racism & settler colonialism; and

Whereas, the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation & self-determination is a cutting edge of the struggle against Imperialism; and

Whereas, the US plays the major international role in the perpetuation of Israeli apartheid; and

Whereas, DSA’s National Committee has de-chartered the National Palestine/BDS Working Group, and barred the Working Group’s Steering Committee from any and all national leadership roles for one year; and

Whereas, the NPC has subsequently re-chartered the national Palestine / PDS working group but has not reversed its ban on the the working group steering committee members from leadership roles (effectively creating a group without leadership)and

Whereas, the Palestine/BDS Working Group was created by a democratically decided resolution at DSA’s National Political Convention and the NPC did not have the authority to de-charter it nor to determine its democratically-elected leadership and

Whereas, 3 members of the NPC issued a dissenting statement from the NPC majority’s decision that urged DSA members to “remain true to our anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist values and support us in standing with our Palestinian and Palestinian-allied comrades against censorship;” and

Whereas, the NPC opposed the call of the Working Group to expel Congressman Jamaal Bowman for his vote for billions of dollar in military aid to apartheid Israel and his violation of BDS with his propaganda trip to Israel and meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and refused to discipline Bowman in any way; and

Whereas, East Bay DSA passed a resolution calling for Bowman’s expulsion along with over 50 chapters who dissented from the NPC decision on that matter; and

Whereas, many members of the chapter joined with AROC, ILWU workers and the Palestine solidarity movement in the Block the Boat actions at the Port of Oakland that blocked an Israeli ship from docking; and

Whereas, over 30 chapter members and 1200 DSA members signed the statement dissenting from the NPCs decision and calling for For an Internationalist DSA; and

Whereas, the NPC’s action is seen by the outside world as a rebuke of solidarity with Palestine and the BDS Movement and does harm to the Palestine freedom struggle and the reputation and credibility of DSA as an organization. Multiple organizations have already explicitly stated that they will not work with DSA unless all of the NPC’s actions are reversed, imperiling our ability to do BDS/Palestine solidarity work at both the local and national level 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA condemns the actions of the NPC and demands the full reinstatement of the BDS WG, with its current leadership, including the lifting of sanctions placed on the steering committee; and

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA asserts that committees and working groups should be able to criticize and discuss issues without censorship. Disciplined messaging comes out of building a culture of trust and shared responsibility, through the comradeship of leaders working together to accomplish our common goals even as we may continue to debate other issues – not by undemocratically silencing opposition; and

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA commit to the struggle for a liberated and democratic Palestine, and to the merger of socialism and anti-imperialist movements across the world. We will work toward a DSA that lives up to this commitment; and 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the For an Internationalist DSA statement; and

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will promptly publicly communicate our position via our social media and other external communication channels, as well as include it in the next chapter newsletter; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will redouble our efforts toward building the BDS movement & for Palestine liberation by working with local Bay Area allies including AROC, the Palestine Youth Movement, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Palestine Action Network in common cause.

Committee Reports [10 min] 

Recording Secretary (Carlos)

Last SC Votes:

  1. Resolution for 2022 EBDSA Convention - Passed via Acclimaation
  2.  Resolution for GM Endorsement of Living Wage Act of 2022 REMOVED
  3. East Bay DSA Steering Committee Berkeley/Albany/Emeryville Proto-Branch - PASSED 6 Yes, 2 No, 1 abstain
  4. EBDSA Resolution Dissenting from NPC Decision to Decharter Palestine/BDS Working Group and Ban the Working Group's SC members from Leadership Positions - PASSED - 7 Yes, 1 no, 1 abstain

Last GM Votes:

  1. A. Resolution to Reaffirm EBDSA’s Commitment to the Liberation of Palestine and to Endorse the statement For an Internationalist DSA -
  2. PASSED - Clear Majority
  3. B. EBDSA Resolution in Support of the Living Wage Act of 2022 -
  4. PASSED - Clear Majority

Email Votes:

  1.  Resolution to join the coalition for anti-chevron day
  2. PASSES 9 yes 2 abstains
  3. Resolution for Temporary Financial Support for CA DSA
  4. Passed 6 yes, 1 no, and 4 abstain

Treasurer - Staff Pilot (Lindsey)

  • Bank balance $53,000+

  • Staffer Pilot report
  1. Increases: $765.40 in new donations per month
  2. $50 in increased donations per month 
  3. $815.40 total per month increase over fundraising period
  4. 128 donors pre-fundraising
  5. 30 donors gained over fundraising period
  6. Staff hours expended
  7. 77:42 hours worked
  8. $1,554 spent on pay
  9. 161 monthly donors
  10. $3019.54/month in monthly recurring donations 


  1. Increase in monthly donations
  2. Donations increased from 7.3% to 9.19% of members
  3. Additional $815.40 in donations per month
  4. Many members contacted were unengaged and fundraising phonebanks also functioned as member check-ins to orient people to chapter events and committees.
  5. In the future, a fundraising staffer could work with the Member Engagement committee to run an ongoing monthly member phonebank where check-ins with members are done and coupled with an ask to become a monthly donor, separate from a time-limited fundraising push. 
  6. Combining turnout for urgent political events and ongoing chapter work with fundraising asks
  7. Several important political events (OEA school closures, tax the rich campaign) occurred during the fundraising pilot that we incorporated into fundraising phone call pitches, linking exciting and urgent work with immediate asks that people could engage with with the need to have a well-funded organization capable of responding swiftly to these events.


  1. Lack of Chapter Buy-in and Engagement
  2. The chapter continues to struggle with “silo-ing”, with small groups participating in specific projects and reluctant to work on other chapter work. Several committees began scheduling meetings or other events at the same time as previously scheduled and announced fundraising phonebanks. This made it difficult to cohere a core internal fundraising team, as well as communicate to chapter leaders that fundraising was a top priority during this time period and needed to be treated as such within the chapter. A staffer and/or steering committee leadership with more ability to guide the chapter and its leaders towards working on a chapter-wide project together will greatly benefit any future fundraising efforts. 
  3. Project got a late start post-holiday season. Participation from chapter members in fundraising began building closer to the end of the staffer pilot timeline. More flexibility to use hours in a different arrangement (more than 16 hours one week, less than 16 hours the next, etc.) rather than a hard 16-hour/week cut off would have helped accommodate the ebb and flow in work while also juggling a second job. 
  4. Low-hours position
  5. From this experience, my personal recommendation would be that any potential future staffers are not also chapter officers and do not also hold another full-time or near full-time job while taking on a 16-hour/week position. The obligations of being a chapter officer as well as also needing to work another job severely limited the amount of time I could dedicate to the position. 
  6. While there was certainly significant convenience to also being the Treasurer while fundraising, I believe a future separate staffer position would be complementary and could work alongside the Treasurer to fundraise.
  7. Overall, I believe more hours are needed for a successful staffer position, so that the staffer can more securely afford to work less hours at a second job, and dedicate the full amount of time to the staff position.

Electoral Committee Report Backs - Neder GS


What do we hope to achieve at this year’s convention?


What do we need to do to make sure there’s a contested SC election next year? 


What does it mean to un-endorse a candidate?

  1. facilitated by Shane

Resolution to Un-Endorse Mike Hutchinson will be brought to the general membership for consideration at our Local Convention

  1. Motivated by Hillary C and Gerald S
  2. Q&A 
  3. Highlighted Comment - Endorsing movement candidates should be the bar for endorsement. 
  4. Discussion

Resolution to Unendorse Mike Hutchinson

Submitted by: Hillary C, Gerald S, Lawrence L, Abhi K, Ian B, Maura M, Daniel E, Isaac H, Carlos O , Claire R, Max M

Whereas, East Bay DSA endorsed Mike Hutchinson for his district 5 run for school board in November 2020 and provided monetary and labor support for his campaign,

Whereas, an East Bay DSA member and a parent ally of East Bay DSA were paid staffers for Mike Hutchinson’s campaign and did not receive payment for their work after the elections,

Whereas, Mike Hutchinson has been contacted by various individuals and organizations regarding the nonpayment of his staffers and has yet to pay one of them despite indicating a $9,089 surplus at the end of his campaign, which is almost 3 times the amount he owed his staffers, 

Whereas, in addition to his nonpayment of staffers, Mike Hutchinson has caused harm to organizers and advocates in both verbal abuse and slander, 

Whereas, Mike Hutchinson has publicly announced support for Kyla Johnson-Trammel and Lisa Grant Dawson, both of which have helped create, advocate, and lead the closure of multiple Oakland public schools,

Whereas, as a school board member, Mike Hutchinson did not support a resolution that would have put a pause on school closures, saving three schools from closure at the end of the year,

Therefore be it resolved, the East Bay DSA steering committee will recommend an unendorsement of Mike Hutchinson to the general membership with the following actions:

  • East Bay DSA will unendorse Mike Hutchinson through a statement to be given to all members of the chapter

  • East Bay DSA will not endorse Mike Hutchinson should he ask for an endorsement in the future


Resolution to authorize Solano + Napa County Branch Socials

Submitted by: Sean M., Brooke R., and Henry M. 

WHEREAS, in February 2022 the East Bay DSA general membership adopted the resolution “East Bay DSA Resolution on Branches.”

WHEREAS, that resolution laid out a process for the creation of branches, which includes submitting a specific proposal for the geographic area to be covered listing at least three people intending to run for leadership positions. 

WHEREAS, East Bay DSA’s Racial Solidarity Committee, members of the Steering Committee, and Branches Working Group of the EBDSA have guided organizers in Solano and Napa Counties for over a year on the topic of branch formation.

WHEREAS, Napa and Solano Counties combined have exactly, or very nearly, 50 East Bay DSA members as residents.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that East Bay DSA approves $300 for holding at least 2 events to assess feasibility and begin organizing a potential branch in the area laid out above. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that Brooke R, Sean M, or another person the SC sees fit to appoint is appointed as the liaison for the above named potential branch. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the East Bay DSA members named at the bottom of this resolution intend to run for a leadership position if a branch in the above area is approved by the general membership of East Bay DSA. 

  1. Facilitated by Shane R
  2. Motivate By Sean M
  3. Q&A [w/ Highlights]
  4. Q: What do the future socials look like? A:Base building socials are desired around the regions; e.g. at farmer’s markets
  5. Q: What does DSa’s relationship with Vessel for Vallejo look like? A: it appeared to have gone defunct - no longer active - recommended DSA filling in the campaign role that Vessel’s stepped down from. 
  6. Move to Committee as a Hold; no objections
  7. Thought highlights: 
  8. Q: Let’s own PG&E campaign status in that area? A: Campaign is not active.
  9. Vallejo probably a potential spot than Napa and Solano county, due to member density
  10. Q: working with YDSA? A: absolutely
  11. Move to formal debate [w/ highlight]
  12. Pro - while the concern is real, this is simply to explore branches in the region.
  13. Q: Before starting a new campaign, you committee to seek approval from SC? A: Absolutely. 
  14. Pro- confident that BWG will be involved 
  15. Motion to TABLE: seconded
  16. VOTES FAILS: 2 yes, 7 no, 2 abstain
  17. Resolution vote:PASSES 8 yes, 2 no ; 1 absian

Resolution for Hayward Branch Socials

Submitted by: Drew B., Lance J., and Eric E

WHEREAS, in February 2022 the East Bay DSA general membership adopted the resolution “East Bay DSA Resolution on Branches.”

WHEREAS, that resolution laid out a process for the creation of branches, which includes submitting a specific proposal for the geographic area to be covered listing at least three people intending to run for leadership positions.

WHEREAS a branch covering Hayward and its surrounding unincorporated neighborhoods will allow us to activate DSA members who have felt excluded with EBDSA’s historical focus on the Berkeley/Oakland area, and extend DSA reach into working class and immigrant communities located in these areas.

WHEREAS the Hayward/Eden Branch will cover the city of Hayward, city of San Leandro and its surrounding unincorporated areas, including, but not limited to Castro Valley, Fairview, Cherryland, Ashland, San Lorenzo and Hayward Acres. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that East Bay DSA approves $300 for holding at least 2 events to assess feasibility and begin organizing a potential branch in the area laid out above. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that [NAME TO BE FILLED IN BY STEERING COMMITTEE] is appointed as the liaison for the above named potential branch. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the names at the bottom of this resolution intend to run for a leadership position if a branch in the above area is approved by the general membership of East Bay DSA

  • Drew Balthazor
  • Lance Jackson
  • Eric Espinosa
  1. Motion to TABLE; seconded
  2. Vote: FAILED 4 yes, 5 no, 2 abains
  3. Resolution motivated by Benny Z
  4. Q&A [Highlights]
  5. Q: You [Benny] will be the liaison? A: Yes, so that Hayward isn’t isolated.
  6. Move to committee as a whole:
  7. Thoughts
  8. Q: Any particular campaigns in mind or is the social for discussing that? A: Housing is an issue; defund campaigns. The social will be for determining where the energy is. 
  9. Comment: We should hear from the leadership from Hayward, hence recommending being tabled. 
  10. Resolution VOTE:
  11. PASSES: 9 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain

Resolution to Buy Equipment for Hybrid Meetings

Submitted by: Political Education committee, Max M, Zach W

Whereas, COVID will likely keep resurging for the foreseeable future.

Whereas, meeting in person allows much more organic connections and follow up.  

Whereas, zoom meetings have expanded access to chapter meetings for comrades with busy schedules, compromised immune systems or with mobility issues.

Whereas, the development and implementation of branches will require us to think of new methods of doing political education and participating in chapter democracy over geographic distance. 

Whereas, the GND committee is also interested in doing hybrid meetings. 

Therefore, be it resolved, PEC will spend no more than $500on a hybrid meeting setup, including wide angle webcam and microphone/speaker unit. 

Motivated by Max M

Facilitated by Annika B

Q&A [w/ highlights]

Q: Have people spoken with chapters that have hosted hybrid meetings? A: Had read posts in the DSA discussion forums about how hybrids could be successful. 

Q: Where would the equipment be stored? A GND committee seemed interested in using it; consider storage. 

Debate [w/ highlights]

  1. CON - a major goal should be to get more people to meet in real life. 
  2. PRO - we have members that have various reasons to not attend meetings live. 

Move to call to question; seconded - passed via acclimation

  • Resolution VOTE: PASSES 9 yes 1 no, 0 abstain

Motion to extend to 4:15, seconded, no objections

Resolution to Reaffirm EBDSA’s Commitment to the Liberation of Palestine and to Endorse the statement For an Internationalist DSA

Submitted by East Bay DSA’s Anti-Imperialist Working Group; passed by straw poll at the April GM

Whereas, socialists in the US have the necessity and responsibility to oppose imperialism, racism & settler colonialism; and

Whereas, the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation & self-determination is a cutting edge of the struggle against Imperialism; and

Whereas, the US plays the major international role in the perpetuation of Israeli apartheid; and

Whereas, DSA’s National Committee has de-chartered the National Palestine/BDS Working Group, and barred the Working Group’s Steering Committee from any and all national leadership roles for one year; and

Whereas, the NPC has subsequently re-chartered the national Palestine / PDS working group but has not reversed its ban on the the working group steering committee members from leadership roles (effectively creating a group without leadership)and

Whereas, the Palestine/BDS Working Group was created by a democratically decided resolution at DSA’s National Political Convention and the NPC did not have the authority to de-charter it nor to determine its democratically-elected leadership and

Whereas, 3 members of the NPC issued a dissenting statement from the NPC majority’s decision that urged DSA members to “remain true to our anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist values and support us in standing with our Palestinian and Palestinian-allied comrades against censorship;” and

Whereas, the NPC opposed the call of the Working Group to expel Congressman Jamaal Bowman for his vote for billions of dollar in military aid to apartheid Israel and his violation of BDS with his propaganda trip to Israel and meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and refused to discipline Bowman in any way; and

Whereas, East Bay DSA passed a resolution calling for Bowman’s expulsion along with over 50 chapters who dissented from the NPC decision on that matter; and

Whereas, many members of the chapter joined with AROC, ILWU workers and the Palestine solidarity movement in the Block the Boat actions at the Port of Oakland that blocked an Israeli ship from docking; and

Whereas, over 30 chapter members and 1200 DSA members signed the statement dissenting from the NPCs decision and calling for For an Internationalist DSA; and

Whereas, the NPC’s action is seen by the outside world as a rebuke of solidarity with Palestine and the BDS Movement and does harm to the Palestine freedom struggle and the reputation and credibility of DSA as an organization. Multiple organizations have already explicitly stated that they will not work with DSA unless all of the NPC’s actions are reversed, imperiling our ability to do BDS/Palestine solidarity work at both the local and national level 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA condemns the actions of the NPC and demands the full reinstatement of the BDS WG, with its current leadership, including the lifting of sanctions placed on the steering committee; and

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA asserts that committees and working groups should be able to criticize and discuss issues without censorship. Disciplined messaging comes out of building a culture of trust and shared responsibility, through the comradeship of leaders working together to accomplish our common goals even as we may continue to debate other issues – not by undemocratically silencing opposition; and

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA commit to the struggle for a liberated and democratic Palestine, and to the merger of socialism and anti-imperialist movements across the world. We will work toward a DSA that lives up to this commitment; and 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the For an Internationalist DSA statement; and

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will promptly publicly communicate our position via our social media and other external communication channels, as well as include it in the next chapter newsletter; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will redouble our efforts toward building the BDS movement & for Palestine liberation by working with local Bay Area allies including AROC, the Palestine Youth Movement, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Palestine Action Network in common cause.

Facilitated by Annika

Move to committee as a whole [w/ highlights]

Would like to AMEND; seconded. 

Striking that second to last “therefore be it resolved.”

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will promptly publicly communicate our position via our social media and other external communication channels, as well as include it in the next chapter newsletter; 

Amendment Debate: 

Resolution address two separate issue and is iffy on the development of the resolution, but it passed. Doesn’t see it completely damage Bowman or the NPC politically. 

See’ this as showing solidarity for palestine. 

We could determine the message, in a measured way. Muslims are a large growing demographic of workers. Jewish people are increasingly becoming more supportive of Palestinians.  

What are the possible outcomes of a public statement? it's not a major recruitment tool.

Tangible outcome: right wing media and politicians pouncing. 

Our chapter expressed that opinion on Jamal Bowman in the December meeting. NCP listening to chapters with different opinion is important. 

Amendment VOTE: FAILS 2 yes 10 no, 0 abstain

Resolution VOTE: PASSES 10 yes, 1 no, 0 abstain

Meeting adjorned