Steering Committee Meeting: November 22nd, 2020 (email resolutions addendum)

Resolution authorizing EBDSA representative to Voices for Public Transportation (VPT) coalition to sign on for EBDSA to letters and petitions created by the coalition to support workers and riders. 

Submitted by Bonnie L.; Luic R; & Benny Z 

Whereas a resolution was passed in August, 2020 creating an ATU Campaign Working Group within the Green New Deal Committee, and it was resolved that this Working Group was tasked with supporting ATU 192 to protect prevent service cuts and layoffs, as well as building relationships within the Voices for Public Transportation coalition of which ATU 192 is a member, and

Whereas a resolution was passed in August, 2020 authorizing EBDSA to join Voices for Public Transportation coalition as a formal member, and

Whereas the 2020 EBDSA Convention approved the Transit for the People proposal, including ongoing work with VPT to amplify the multi-racial working class fight for a Green New Deal, and

Whereas VPT frequently generates sign-on letters and petitions to urge the MTC and transit agency boards to support demands of workers and riders, and

Whereas those letters and petitions supporting the demands of workers and riders are consistent with EBDSA resolutions to support ATU 192 and multi-racial working class struggle for a Green New Deal, and 

Whereas effective participation as a coalition member requires member organizations within the coalition signing on to such letters and petitions 

Be it resolved that the EBDSA representative to Voices for Public Transportation be authorized to sign on for EBDSA when VPT creates letters, petitions and other documents protecting and supporting workers, riders, jobs and services. 

This resolution passed 11-0 (Luke T. and Miguel B. did not vote)

Resolution to Purchase a Dedicated Zoom Line for Grievances

Submitted by Will S., Allie L., Matt S.

Whereas the HGOs and grievance stewards need to be able to have confidential meetings on a short timeline;

Whereas the general chapter Zoom accounts are booked ahead of time and often with recurring meetings;

Therefore be it resolved that EB DSA will allocated $150 to purchase a dedicated Zoom line for one year specifically for use in the grievance process;

Therefore be it further resolved that the HGOs, grievance stewards and Chairs will have sole access to setting up and using the Zoom line.

This resolution passes 8-0 (Katie F., Benny Z., Luci R., Luke T., Will S. did not vote)

Resolution to add Robb as co-chair of DAWG

Submitted by Molly S, Kaela S-H, and Robb G

Whereas, Robb Godshaw has demonstrated leadership and commitment in DAWG, through his work on training curriculum development, training facilitation, action planning and participation, and theatrical and auditory enhancement of DAWG actions.

Whereas, Molly and Kaela have other responsibilities in the chapter that sometimes require their attention to be drawn away from DAWG,

Whereas, Robb is an EBDSA member in good standing,

Therefore be it resolved, Robb be appointed by the steering committee as co-chair of DAWG alongside Molly and Kaela.

This resolution passes 11-0 (Luke T. and Benny Z. did not vote)

Resolution to endorse labor-led rally to defend democracy

Luke Thibault

Whereas Donald Trump and his allies represent a direct threat to American democracy,

Whereas his presidency has been a disaster for the labor movement and international working class,

Whereas East Bay DSA is committed to defending the results of the 2020 election,

Whereas all five Bay Area labor councils have resolved to “take whatever nonviolent actions are necessary to protect our democracy,”

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will endorse the following event and mobilize our members to participate:

Therefore be it resolved that Luke Thibault will serve as a liaison between EBDSA and event organizers.

This resolution passes 7-2 (Katie F. and Carlos O. voted no, Benny Z., Rex L.C., Benny Z., Luke T. and Miguel B. did not vote)

Resolution for November Direct Action material and safety support

Cosigners: Robb G, Jeremy Y, Katie F, AJ A

Whereas EBDSA is coordinating a democratic socialist response to the post-electoral moment, beginning with a mass action on November 4 and building momentum throughout November.

Whereas when our comrades are in the streets, our chapter's material support is required to keep us and coalition partners safe, and make our organizer more effective and meaningful.

Whereas "DSA art caucus" is making 300 red flags so our chapter can have a proud, impactful, beautiful contingent, with messaging to be determined in collaboration with the Election Action Planning team. These red flags, previously utilized during the June BLM uprisings and Juneteenth ILWU action, amplified our democratic socialist presence, expressed our rage and our joy, and through visibility helped keep our contingent connected and safe. These red flags will be given to organizers and participants at the event.

Whereas the EBDSA Member Engagement Committee has been tasked with building momentum and engaging potential members, and to do so requires 'Join DSA" literature which advertises our upcoming "Intro to DSA" events. This literature is already designed and has been tested in the field through electoral efforts.

Whereas the sound team in EBDSA Direct Action Working Group will continue its crucial work of creating clear communication channels for organizers and marshals at protests, demos, and rallies, and ton do so requires purchase of 16 walkie talkies. Too often, people are forced to scream due to absent or inadequate comms gear. Whereas during COVID-19, social distancing means that whispering in the ears of comrades is unsafe. Whereas EBDSA’s current set of walkie-talkies are too few to use in large demos. Whereas the effectiveness and safety of Marshals is entirely dependent on their communication. Whereas a frequency and channel document has been established to allow for easy coalition communication (Sunrise, QUICC, and Distributed Sound Collective so far)

Whereas the ability for Marshals to de-escalate situations and direct traffic is wholly dependent on an air of authority, which 20 red hi-visibility vests will achieve.

Be it resolved that for the duration of shelter in place sound and safety gear should live with a designated sound person who will go to every event the DSA endorses. For now, Robb G volunteers for this position, as he is doing sound at our events anyway. A spreadsheet hosted in an EBDSA Google Drive folder will be used to track handoffs, complete with who had it, who has it now, and their contact information. The last person to sign it out responsible for the unit.

Be it also resolved that when COVID restrictions are lifted, all gear will be stored at the office. And labeled with clear instructions for easy use.

Therefore, be it resolved that the chapter shall allocate $1,343 to fund these materials.



Point person/group


2000 flyers and palmcards, printed by Autumn press

Jeremy Y (EBDSA MEC)


Screenprinting materials for flags

Jeremy Y (DSA art caucus)


Flag poles (bamboo or wooden dowel)

Jeremy Y (DSA art caucus)


120 yards red fabric for creating red flags, pennants, and banners

Jeremy Y (DSA art caucus)


16 pcs of Radioddity GA-2S Long Range Two Way Radios (UHF/FRS/programmable to match coalition) (1x 4pk and 2x 6pk and 1x charger block)

Robb G (DAWG and Distributed Sound Collective)


20 Hi visibility vests

Robb G (DAWG and Distributed Sound Collective)

This resolution passed 12-0 (Rex L.C. did not vote)

Resolution to Fund Google Search Ads for East Bay DSA Endorsed Candidates

Submitted by: Hillary C, Benny Z

Whereas East Bay DSA has endorsed 15 local candidates, including the Team Richmond Slate, Challenger Slate, and Right to Housing Slate in the November 3, 2020 elections,including:

  • Jovanka Beckles for AC Transit Board
  • Claudia Jimenez, Melvin Willis, and Gayle McLaughlin for Richmond City Council (Team Richmond)
  • Carroll Fife for Oakland City Council
  • Ben Tapscott and Mike Hutchinson for Oakland School Board
  • Nestor Castillo, Lacei Amodei, and Elisha Crader for Hayward City Council (Nestor and the Hayward Slate)
  • Dominique Walker, Mari Mendonca, Xavier Johnson, Leah Simon-Weisberg, and Andy Kelley for Berkeley Rent Board (Right to Housing Slate)

Whereas, the endorsed candidates have all committed to running a grassroots campaign without corporate funding,

Whereas, under COVID-19, direct outreach to voters is difficult and much of campaigning has shifted to an online presence, 

Whereas all of these candidates face well funded, corporate and billionaire backed opponents.

Whereas East Bay DSA prides itself on providing material support to its endorsed candidates.

Whereas while individual members have supported these campaigns, it has been difficult for the chapter to do so in a coordinated manner.

Whereas East Bay DSA has recently registered to be able to run these ads and has a member in Brian Y who has experience doing so.

Whereas this is an opportunity for the chapter to become more familiar running different types of paid online ads.

Whereas these ads will drive traffic to our endorsements page. Note:other landing pages are also possible.

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will pay for google search ads for each endorsed candidate or slate for up to $500 in accordance with campaign finance law and not to exceed total contribution limits for each candidate, for a potential total of $4000. 

Therefore be it further resolved that East Bay DSA members working on the campaigns of endorsed candidates be able to work with Brian Y, Lindsey M, and Benny Z to put together and pay for google search ad campaigns of $500 per candidate or slate.

This resolution passes unanimously

Resolution to Fund Facebook Ads for Jovanka Beckles Campaign

Submitted by Nick F. and Lindsey M.

Whereas East Bay DSA and DSA National have endorsed Jovanka Beckles’ campaign for AC Transit Board;

Whereas this campaign has reached an audience of at least tens of thousands of people with a class-struggle message, agitating against corporations and the ultrarich and attempting to raise people’s expectations around public services;

Whereas this campaign has been run in concert with ATU 192, the AC Transit workers’ union, building East Bay DSA’s relationship with the union;

Whereas Jovanka has a real shot at winning the election, which would give her a bigger platform to agitate against austerity and capital and give East Bay DSA further opportunities to work with her and ATU 192 to advance class struggle;

Whereas Jovanka is running against a well-funded opponent with significant support from the Democratic Party establishment in the East Bay;

Whereas the campaign believes it would be strategic to run negative digital ads against this opponent, but that it is better for Jovanka’s image if these ads are not directly attributed to her;

Whereas the Jovanka campaign’s paying for these ads would require that the campaign attach a “Paid for by Jovanka Beckles for AC Transit Board” disclaimer;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA agree to reimburse Jovanka Comms Director Nick F. for $500, to be spent on Facebook ads against Jovanka’s opponent;

Be it further resolved that these ads be run with a “Paid for by East Bay DSA” disclaimer.

This resolution passes 8-3 (No votes from AJ A., Katie F. and Carlos O., Rex L.C. and Benny Z did not vote)

Resolution to Support Get It Done Day of Action

Submitted by Will S.

Whereas the COVID pandemic has resulted in 55 million Americans losing their jobs, and potentially their healthcare, while the federal and local government does very little to act in support of the working class;

Whereas the Payroll Support Program ensured that hundreds of thousands of aviation workers had their jobs protected, but with Congress in recess the extension of those protections is at risk;

Whereas the Association of Flight Attendants has called a day of action to pressure lawmakers to return to vote on extending this relief package;

Whereas AFA 11 will be holding a public action at Rep. Barbara Lee’s office in downtown Oakland on 10/19 at 11am;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the Get It Done Day of Action and will support AFA’s action both in person and on social media, as well as commit to send an email to members interested in labor.

Therefore be it further resolved that Will S. serve as liaison for AFA 11 and the action and organize others to step into roles as well;

Additional Info:

This resolution passes 9-2 (Katie F. and AJ A. voted no, Benny Z. and Will S. did not vote)

Resolution for Community Action in AHS Strike

Submitted by Molly S

Whereas East Bay DSA is waging a campaign for county take-over of AHS, approved by the steering committee in May 2020, working in coalition with SEIU 1021, CNA, and GABRIELA OAKLAND,

Whereas county take-over is one of the central demands of both AHS unions going on strike from October 7-12th, and there will be a major rally on October 8th targeting the Board of Supervisors at the County Building,

Whereas our coalition partners SEIU 1021 and CNA have greenlighted a civil disobedience action led by DSA members during this rally,

Whereas there is interest from DSA members in participating in such an action, in order to highlight the community’s demand for a stronger, better-funded public health system, and show the board that it is not only labor, but community members who have a stake in this fight,

Therefore be it resolved that members of DAWG and the AHS Solidarity team will organize a small-scale civil disobedience action during the rally on October 8th, including the painting of a mural in the street in front of the County Building, that will not be branded as an “East Bay DSA” action but participants may identify themselves as East Bay DSA members in solidarity with AHS workers,

Therefore be it resolved that EBDSA will commit $200 to supplies needed to carry out this action.

This resolution passes unanimously

Resolution to Sponsor the CA DSA PAC

Submitted by Renée P. and Will S.

Whereas growing our electoral organizing knowledge to run independent, class-struggle socialist campaigns is crucial now and looking towards the 2022 electoral cycle and beyond;

Whereas Prop 15 is the #1 electoral priority of East Bay DSA and endorsed by DSA Nationally;

Whereas DSA chapters from across California have come together to support the proposition and run a state-wide campaign for it;

Whereas CA DSA chapters are purchasing an autodialer and PDI (a California voter database) to make our Get out the Vote operation substantially more effective, to use our own class-struggle messaging, and to use these events specifically to recruit to DSA, and both the National Electoral Committee and National Political Committee passed a proposal providing funding for said autodialer and PDI, with the rest to be raised via fundraising;

Whereas, pending compliance issues, the dialer can be used for other DSA electoral campaigns by not just our chapter but chapters across the state;

Whereas to purchase and operate the autodialer and use the PDI, and maintain the funding around it, a CA DSA PAC is being formed with East Bay DSA member Renée P. as the treasurer;

Whereas separately incorporated DSA chapters, such as East Bay DSA, would need to sponsor the PAC, though any liability related to it would fall on the PAC itself;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA sponsors the Democratic Socialists of America California Political Action Committee, and that Renée P. and Will S. are the point people within East Bay DSA who will be in contact with the PAC.

This resolution passes 9-0 (Will S., AJ A., Rex L.C. and Katie F. did not vote)

Resolution to print DSA Voter Palmcards

Submitted by Jeremy Y. and Rex LC

Whereas our comrades are, this October, engaged in several campaigns in support of the working class, including the AHS Strike, electoral canvasses, and direct actions that will involve mass outreach to working class people in alignment with our values. 

Whereas said outreach would be made more impactful by having a supply of printed material which includes a ‘East Bay DSA Voter Guide’ including all of our endorsements and an inspiring call to ‘Join DSA’ 

Be it resolved that our chapter prints 2,000 5.5” x 8.5” palm-cards as shared in the SC chat at a cost of approx $475 thru union print shop Autumn Press. 

This resolution passes unanimously

Resolution for East Bay DSA to have access to storage space

Allie L, Jen A

Whereas there are still plans to vacate the current office spot at 3832 Market St,

Whereas East Bay DSA needs a new space to store all of the items at our current office,

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA rents a storage unit from October 2020, indefinitely until we open up a new office space. 

Be it further resolved that the chapter authorizes up to $500/mo for a storage space, with the aim of the final budget falling within $250/mo.

This resolution passes 12-0 (Miguel B did not vote)

Resolution for Final Priorities Resolution Based on 2020 Chapter Convention

Allie L

Whereas East Bay DSA voted on and adopted the Priorities Proposals as laid out in this document at our annual convention on September 13th, 2020, 

Whereas Allie L. reformatted and stylized the proposals, which were submitted separately, 

Therefore be it resolved that the following final priorities resolution with the style rules be adopted by the chapter, 

Be it further resolved that the PR will be posted on the website.

This resolution passes 11-0 (AJ A. and Miguel B did not vote)

Resolution to Adopt an East Bay DSA Election Response Plan

Submitted by Matt S.

Whereas, DSA’s National Political Committee recently published a strategy document encouraging chapters to plan and prepare for multiple eventualities regarding the outcome of the 2020 General Election;

Whereas, East Bay DSA’s Steering Committee held a generative discussion about the election at our September Meeting to discuss how we can organize in response;

Whereas, East Bay DSA will require the month of October to organize and prepare for mass mobilizations in early November and to absorb and onboard a major influx of new members;

Whereas, the Steering Committee intends to begin organizing our chapter leaders and membership according to a concerted plan of action immediately;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA adopts the following “Election Response Plan” to guide our organizing work around the election in the months of October and November 2020.

East Bay DSA Election Response Plan

Drafted by AJ A, Benny Z, Carlos O, Katie F, Luke T, Matt S, and Miguel B

Approved by the East Bay DSA Steering Committee on XX

Overall Strategy & Political Orientation


  • East Bay DSA will organize internal & public actions in preparation for and response to the November election. 
  • These actions will grow the chapter, engage the East Bay community, and work with strategic coalition partners without losing sight of our socialist principles and analysis. They will also be designed to allow us to maintain momentum for a long period afterwards. 

Key Tasks & Committees

Member Engagement:

  • In October, MEC should be tasked with helping mobilize and prepare our membership for November by assisting with the October GM, and phone banking membership to ask them to commit to action in the first week of November.
  • In November, MEC should pivot its work toward absorbing and onboarding new members activated by the election and protests. They should plan at least one Democratic Socialism 101 for November, and also turn their mobilizers program toward the new members we’re likely to see.
  • MEC should also make sure relevant materials are ready for November: we should have fliers to advertise Democratic Socialism 101 ready for distribution at mass actions, and make sure the New Member Handbook is up-to-date for the new member bump.
  • Coordinate with RSC and AFROSOC around recruiting and retaining new BIPOC members to the chapter.
  • Encourage members to map their networks and workplaces to mobilize contacts to and recruit to DSA.


  • Effective messaging will be critical to engaging members and supporters and helping set the narrative in the immediate wake of the election.
  • Comms should develop a proposal for messaging around the election in conjunction with national DSA. The proposal should outline our public message in the lead up to the election and in response to four scenarios: a clear Biden victory, a clear Trump victory, a contested election/Trump refusing to concede, and no elections. The SC will have input and final approval over the messaging.
  • Comms should develop a plan for October and November that outlines how the following can be used to bring people into action, project strong socialist messaging, and convince people to join DSA:
  • The newsletter should foreground the election and related actions/events
  • Social media platforms should have regular content, including coordinated graphics and/or video
  • Majority should produce analysis of the elections’ possible scenarios and also have shareable content out soon after the results to set the narrative
  • Majority should live tweet and/or stream from any mass actions that unfold
  • We should engage local media outlets by sending out press releases regarding any mass actions or meetings we stage
  • Comms should also prepare messaging appropriate to the different “scenarios” — national is also developing resources for this, and as much as possible we should align our messaging with that of the national organization for consistency and clarity.
  • Comms should prepare a press release announcing our action on November 4th

Direct Action WG:

  • DAWG should be tasked with organizing trainings to prepare our organization for mass action in the first week of November, and should send representatives to any national trainings (like the 10/17 Red Rabbits event)
  • DAWG should be tasked with helping organize and marshal mass actions in the first week of November in conjunction with coalition partners.
  • DAWG should also develop a “rapid response” network with our members to ensure we’re ready to participate in any last-minute actions that are called that week and endorsed by emergency SC resolutions.

Political Education:

  • Especially in November, political education will be critical for onboarding new members and providing the tools for a socialist analysis of the election and our new political terrain.
  • PEC should be tasked with organizing two Night Schools in November, tackling topics such as the nature of US democracy, and also foundational concepts to help onboard new members (What is Democratic Socialism? Why is Progressive Not Enough?)
  • PEC could also potentially publish a reading list for new members to help orient them with the basics of Democratic Socialism.


  • Our Electoral Committee and campaigns should be prepared to both help mobilize members and activists in the lead up to the first week of November, and to use any potential victories to help set the narrative post-election.
  • As much GOTV phone banking as possible should include asks about coming to actions in the first week of November.
  • Any endorsed candidates should be prepared with messaging to begin putting out to their email lists and social media post-election. Ideally, candidates should also be ready to send out asks to join DSA post-election.
  • We should highlight our candidates (especially any victorious ones) at the mass actions in November and the mass meeting by giving them prominent speaking spots.

Events and Timeline



Planning Committee

Coalition Ask?

Sun 10/4

Chapter Leadership Meeting


Sat 10/17

National Red Rabbits training


Sat 10/17

Steering Committee Meeting


Sun 10/18

General Membership Meeting What is a socialist response to election? 


Sun 10/24 or 10/31

Phonebank for 11/4 Action


Tues 11/3

Emergency Mobilization?

DAWG + Art + Others 


Weds 11/4

Mass Rally or March

DAWG + Art + Others


Sat 11/7

Mass Rally or March

DAWG + Art + Others


Sun 11/8 

Democratic Socialism 101 


11/14 or 15

Mass Meeting




Night School: Do we live in a democracy? 


Next Steps 

  • SC votes & approves plan 
  • Start having 1-on-1s with leaders of each committee and ask them to help organize the major actions
  • Talk to our candidates about stumping for the cause and attending major actions / events
  • Use this work to bring 4 key committees together (PEC, MEC, Comms, DAWG) 
  • Begin outreach to coalition partners immediately & delegate contact to different leaders
  • Create website and Facebook events as soon as possible for all public-facing events

Coalition Partners


  • SEIU 1021
  • OEA
  • Local 21
  • ATU 192
  • UAW 2865
  • AFSCME 3299
  • ILWU
  • Labor Councils

Political & Community Organizations

  • ACCE
  • Sunrise Movement
  • Bay Resistance
  • DSA SF & Other DSA Chapters

This resolution passes 7-5 (No votes from Luci R., Katie F., AJ A., Carlos O., and Benny Z. Rex L.C. did not vote)

Resolution to Endorse ‘Country Clubbers Against Prop 15’ Protest

By: Kaela S-H, Molly S, Jamie G

Submitted by: AJ A. and Katie F.


At our convention, the EBDSA membership voted to make Prop 15 a top priority, and DSA nationally has endorsed the initiative. When the newly-convened statewide Prop 15 Research Team began looking at the massive spending in opposition to Prop 15, several industries stood out as major donors, including a PAC formed by country clubs, golf clubs and etc explicitly for this purpose, titled “California State Club Association Against Prop 15: NO to Higher Property Taxes”

Because country & golf clubs are a symbol of wealth and privilege, with donating clubs scattered around the state, we developed the idea of highlighting their opposition to Prop 15 with rallies outside donating clubs, designed to draw earned media attention, and make for a fun, low-stakes way for DSA members to engage with the campaign. Given the dearth of live news to cover during lockdown, we believe a theatrical rally could garner earned media coverage, bringing the Prop 15 message to audiences beyond the self-selected reach of DSA social media (for which we would also document the event).

The proposed form of this spectacle is to caricature our opponents, with DSAers in fancy dress holding banners that read (for example) “This Country Club says NO to Prop 15--We Don’t Want To Pay Our Share” and holding signs with slogan like “Country Clubs not Kindergartens” and “Golfers Against Good Schools.”

The proposed date of the event is the weekend following the Direct Action committee’s first training. Newly trained volunteers could fill many of the necessary leadership roles in this low-risk action, while any interested DSA member or ally could attend and hold a sign. A Prop 15 art build is already scheduled 2 weeks before the proposed event, easing the lift of creating signs & materials.

Lastly, because these clubs are scattered around the state, it’s possible we could coordinate with other chapters working on Prop 15 who would be interested in holding similar events. This could help boost the visibility, and would allow us to centralize comms if desired--sending out a bigger joint press release, sharing images from around the state, etc.


Whereas, the EBDSA Local Convention voted to make Prop 15 our top priority, and DSA nationally has endorsed Prop 15, and

Whereas, this action is designed to draw public attention to the benefits of Prop 15 and some of its most unsympathetic capitalist opponents, and

Whereas the action is also designed to fulfill several other organizing goals, including coordination with other DSA chapters and members of the Prop 15 coalition and low-stakes experience for emerging leaders in our Direct Action team, therefore

Be It Resolved, East Bay DSA endorses an action called “Country Clubs Not Kindergartens: A Tea Party Against Prop 15” outside the Orinda Country Club to be held on Sunday Oct 18, highlighting their opposition to Prop 15

Be It Further Resolved, the already-scheduled Prop 15 art build Oct 3-4 will make signs and banners for this event, using the “Country Clubbers Against Prop 15” framing described above

Be It Further Resolved, this is a low-stakes action, meant to be carried out without deliberate risk of arrest. Leadership roles will be filled by the Direct Action team, but all DSAers and allies are welcome to join

Be it Further Resolved, the EBDSA steering committee authorizes the use of chapter communications to promote this event on social media before and after it occurs, sharing our plans & materials with comrades in other California DSA chapters who might wish to conduct a similar action, the use of email and chat groups to recruit participants, and to publish a press release announcing the event to media.

This resolution passes 7-0 (Matt S., Rex L.C., Katie F., Luci R., Carlos O., and Miguel B. did not vote)

Resolution to Endorse Prop 15 Action at Chevron

Submitted by Will S.

Whereas Prop 15 would tax older Californian corporations to fund public schools and community services, and was decided at our local convention to be our #1 electoral priority;

Whereas Chevron would be taxed millions of dollars more each year if Prop 15 passes;

Whereas over 20 community groups and unions are organizing a September 30th day of action for Prop 15, and locally are organizing an action at the Chevron refinery in Richmond;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the September 30th action at Chevron by turning out our contacts and members, providing supplies, and with social media;

Therefore be it further resolved that the Prop 15 Working Group will be tasked with coordinating around this action.

This resolution passes 10-0 (Will S., Rex L.C., and Miguel B did not vote)

Resolution to Use New Voting Tool and Amend Convention Rules

Submitted by Matt S.

Whereas, the Convention Organizing Working Group has acquired access to a bespoke online voting tool (henceforth the “Voting Interface”) developed by members of Philly DSA that will be available to us for our Local Convention;

Whereas, this Voting Interface provides simple, clean functionality to conduct votes in real time of our credentialed, dues-paid members, take stack for debate, and take motions;

Whereas, Philly DSA and NYC-DSA have both used this tool at their Local Conventions to great success;

Whereas, this Voting Interface alleviates the need for us to generate unique links to the Zoom meeting for every dues-paid member, rendering a great amount of administrative work unnecessary;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA shall use the Voting Interface developed by Philly DSA for its 2020 Local Convention, and

Be it further resolved that the Convention Rules are amended as indicated below, to reflect this change in tech systems, and

Be it further resolved that the Chairs will brief the Convention on the functions of the Voting Interface before entering debate and do a test vote to ensure members fully understand how to use the system.

Convention Rules

  1. Resolutions: Per our normal General Meeting protocols, an agenda with all relevant resolutions will be circulated to membership at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. 

  1. Motivation and Q&A: Each resolution will be motivated by one of its drafters, and there will be a short time agendized for clarifying questions and answers.

  1. Motions: Procedural motions will be taken through the Zoom chat box Voting Interface at Motions must be clearly stated in the chat box in order to be recognized by the chairs (e.g. “Motion to call the question”). Motions must be seconded by another member stating “second” in the chat box to move to debate.

  1. Debate: Stack for debate will be taken in the chat box Voting Interface as well. Members should clearly state indicate if they intend to speak for or against the motion (e.g. “Stack in favor of the motion”). Speakers will be given 90 seconds to speak on the resolution or motion on the floor.

  2. Amendments: Amendments must be submitted by the August 26th deadline at the latest to be considered for the agenda. The Convention Organizing Working Group will agendize as many amendments as feasible. In the event of too many amendments being submitted, the COWG will prioritize agendizing amendments based on political substantiveness and minimal redundancy. There will be no floor amendments (or amendments to amendments) allowed during the meeting.

  1. Consent Agenda: The Convention will vote on a Consent Agenda to pass priorities proposals with strong support based on the Consent Agenda straw poll circulated to the Chapter Membership. The Consent Agenda will be passed by a simple majority. Members will not be allowed to pull items from the Consent Agenda from the floor.

  1. Chat Box: During floor debate, the chat box may only be used for procedural motions and stack. The chat box may not be used for debate points, comments/questions, or other conversation during debate.

  1. Voting: Members must be present in the meeting to vote, and no proxy votes will be allowed. Votes will be conducted by Zoom poll through the Voting Interface, and only members will be granted the Zoom link in order to ensure voting is restricted to members which will only be accessible to dues-paid members.

  2. Expulsion: If a member consistently does not follow the special protocols and/or code of conduct, harasses the Chairs or other members, or otherwise is disruptive during the meeting, they may be removed from the Zoom meeting, per the Chairs’ discretion. Members will receive at least 1 warning before being removed from the meeting.

  1. Styles Committee: After the Convention, the Convention Organizing Working Group will serve as a Styles Committee to standardize language across the different proposals that passed and finalize the language of our Chapter’s 2020-2021 Priorities Resolution. The Steering Committee will vote to ratify the final language of the Priorities Resolution.

This resolution passes 11-0 (Katie F. and Miguel B. did not vote)

Resolution to Recommend Jovanka Beckles and Carroll Fife Applications for National Endorsement

Whereas East Bay DSA voted to Endorse Jovanka Beckesl for AC Transit Board, Ward 1 in July 2020 and Carroll Fife for Oakland City Council, District 3 in August 2020;

Whereas Beckles and Fife are two of our highest-profile and most important campaigns of the 2020 electoral cycle;

Whereas Beckles’ and Fife’s campaigns are interested in applying to DSA’s National Electoral Committee to be recommending for national endorsements;

Whereas standing NEC policy is that chapters formally put forward campaigns for consideration;

Therefore be it resolved that the East Bay DSA Steering Committee recommends Jovanka Beckles and Carroll Fife to the NEC for consideration for DSA national endorsements. 

This resolution passes 10-0 (Will S. and Katie F. abstained, Miguel B. did not vote)

Resolution to Fund Palmcards for Mike, Ben, Measure QQ, and Prop15

By Hillary C, Lew L

Whereas, EBDSA has endorsed Mike Hutchinson and Ben Tapscott’s election in the fight against racist austerity in schools, fight budget cuts, and stop school closures,

Whereas, EBDSA has endorsed Prop 15 and Measure QQ (the Youth Vote),

Therefore be it resolved that EBDSA will fund, $750, the printing of palmcards said elections.

This resolution passes 11-0 (Lindsey M. and Miguel B. did not vote)

Resolution to Sponsor “Black Lives Matter: A Conversation with East Bay Candidates Town Hall”

Submitted by Nick F. and Luke T.

Whereas this summer’s protests against racial injustice have been one of the most significant upsurges of working-class struggle in recent memory;

Whereas East Bay DSA stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and has already adopted campaigns to advance its core demand of defunding the police;

Whereas East Bay DSA has endorsed the campaigns of Jovanka Beckles for AC Transit Board, Carroll Fife for Oakland City Council, and Melvin Willis for Richmond City Council;

Whereas these candidates are campaigning on anti-racism, defunding police, and reinvesting in the public goods that are essential to working-class people, in particular Black and brown people;

Whereas the candidates are participating in a virtual town hall on Sept. 12, entitled “Black Lives Matter: A Conversation with East Bay Candidates,” to discuss how elected officials can fight systemic racism at the local level, alongside Berkeley City Councilmember Cheryl Davila;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorse this event and promote it through official channels.

This resolution passes 11-0 (Rex L.C. and Miguel B. did not vote)

Resolution to Sign onto  Call for Equity Investments in East Bay Community Energy 

Submitted by Terry T, Luci R, Wietske M, Michael K, Benny Z, Susan S, Lucas M, Bonnie L, Steve O, Cortney D, Ted F, Mike H, Barbara S, Genean W, Nick M, 

Whereas a critical part of achieving a radical Green New Deal is uplifting, supporting, and working with poor communities, communities of color, and disenfranchised communities.

Whereas the 2020-2021 Local Development Business Plan budget calls for a majority of the $8 million to be spent on projects that offer little to no benefit to our most vulnerable communities; black, indigenous, people of color, low-income, the elderly, disabled, the detained, youth, immigrants, veterans, the unhoused, women and LGBTQIA+ communities that we all work to uplift.

Whereas the East Bay Community Energy is our local Community Choice Aggregator.

Whereas the Green New Deal Committee has previously worked with the East Bay Clean Power Alliance and has members who are part of the alliance.

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA sign onto the  Call for Equity Investments in East Bay Community Energy by August 31, calling on the EBCE board to prioritize programs and policies that bring energy resilience and economic benefits to communities most in need.

Therefore be it further resolved that Benny Z fill out the sign on form on behalf of the chapter.

This resolution passes 11-0 (Miguel B and Luke T did not vote)

Resolution to Publish Statement on the California Wildfires and a Green New Deal

Submitted by Cihan T, Eric R, Casey B, Katie F, Benny Z, Nick L, Rawley L, Bonnie L, Lucas M, Max M, Ted F, McKenna L, Barbara S, Nick M, Genean W

Whereas the East Bay and the Western United States as a whole have been experiencing an unprecedented heat wave, as well as devastating and deadly wildfires.

Whereas the East Bay DSA’s 2019 Priorities Resolution includes both a commitment to fight for a Radical Green New Deal and agitate for public and worker ownership of Pacific Gas & Electric, as a pressing first step towards ending the company's deadly, for-profit disasters, and winning social ownership of energy in a Green New Deal. 

Whereas it is critical for East Bay DSA to make a strong public statement condemning our current system’s inability to keep the working class safe during the current and upcoming climate catastrophes.

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA publish the statement, “We need a Green New Deal to Stop California's Fires” on the chapter website with a banner link to the statement on all pages of the website.

Therefore be it further resolved that the Green New Deal Committee and the Communications Committee work together to post about the statement from the chapter’s social media accounts.

This resolution passes 10-0 (Rex L.C., Luke T., and Miguel B. did not vote)

Proposal to Fund AirTable for the Labor Census

Submitted by Aaron H., Lindsey M., AJ A. 

Whereas the Steering Committee passed the “Proposal on a Labor Census Implementation Plan” unanimously at its July 19th meeting of this year; and

Whereas regarding all aspects of data in the technical implementation of the Labor Census Implementation Plan, the Plan states that it “may be reassessed and altered as needed in order to guarantee fully sufficient security protocols;” and

Whereas the Labor Committee and its Labor Census Working Group are fully committed to protecting the information of the Chapter’s members; and

Whereas compared to Google, the platform, AirTable, will allow for greater security of member info collected in the census while enabling easier secure sorting, analysis, and usage of the data; and

Whereas the DSA-LA Labor Committee has been using this platform since Fall 2019 for its labor census and continues to successfully operate with it; and

Whereas AirTable has different tiered subscription plans whose total cost is dependent on the number of users with some degree of editing access; and

Whereas only AirTable’s Pro Plan tier and above enable the sharing of filtered data updated in real time accessible only by password which can be changed or revoked at any time by full access users; and

Whereas to implement the security protocols sufficient for the needs of the Labor Census, the Labor Committee will need to subscribe to AirTable’s Pro Plan which is priced at $24 per month per user with some degree of editing access who are termed by AirTable a “collaborator;” and

Whereas AirTable allows for a 40 - 50% discount for nonprofits who meet their criteria and provide proper documentation; and

Whereas the Plan sets broad guidelines for data access, stating that it will be accessible “by the LC [Labor Committee] elected leadership, anyone deemed necessary to conduct the labor census project or for future use that the LC elects or its elected leadership appoints to access the information, the Steering Committee, and the Operations Committee;” and

Whereas the number of individuals allowed full data access should be balanced between the number necessary to operate the project and as few as possible to maintain security; and

Whereas in order to hold to the implementation timeline laid out by the Plan, the census should start being distributed come the first of September.

Therefore be it resolved that the Steering Committee authorize ongoing monthly funding for AirTable for the labor census at the Pro Plan tier; and be it further

Resolved that this funding shall be up to $150 for the first month of subscription to allow for up to 6 “collaborators” and until the nonprofit discount is obtained at which point funding allotted will drop to no more than $100 per month; and be it further

Resolved that the elected Labor Committee leadership shall have full access to the data collected; and be it further

Resolved that at least one Steering Committee member shall have full access to the data collected, one of whom shall be the Treasurer who will serve as account administrator, and until further protocols are developed by the Steering Committee in collaboration with the Labor Committee; and be it further

Resolved that the Labor Committee, in collaboration with the Steering Committee or its representatives, shall be empowered to develop a protocol for partial access of the data for projects and campaigns.

This resolution passes 11-0 (Matt S. and Miguel B. did not vote)