October 2023

Chapter highlights

  • We turned out to support Palestinian- and Jewish-led protests against US aid for genocide in Gaza. The chapter is working on multiple actions to call for an end to violence against Palestine as it’s still developing. The best way to get involved is to check the chapter calendar or attend the next International Solidarity Committee meeting.

EBDSA & SFDSA members marching at the Bay Area All Out for Gaza rally

  • We celebrated the graduation of the largest new member cohort yet (40 new comrades !!!) with a social, where committees provided members new and old with ways to get involved in chapter work. Much of the preparation for the All out for Gaza march was done by graduates from the previous new member cohorts. Whether you’re a new East Bay Member or a long time member looking to get more active and learn more about the chapter, sign up for the next New Member Cohort.

  • The Climate Action Committee started gathering signatures for a ban on New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure in Contra Costa County. To get involved with this, attend the Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Working Group meeting.

  • We also co-hosted a solidarity canvass for Sasha Ritzie-Hernandez’s School Board race, with speakers from OEA, SEIU & DSA and canvassers from other organizations that have endorsed Sasha (she still says we are her favorite though 😉). Come join the next Sasha canvass or phonebank.

The Palestinian struggle is not an isolated conflict, but it is part of a larger struggle for justice, equality, and human rights everywhere.
— Edward Said

Labor is Fighting, and EBDSA is Helping

UAW president Shawn Fain announcing that GM just agreed to cover all electric car battery plants in the US under the union contract in his weekly update on the Big 3 strike
UAW president Shawn Fain announcing that GM just agreed to cover all electric car battery plants in the US under the union contract in his weekly update on the Big 3 strike

The United Auto Workers’ newly elected president, Shawn Fain, is leading the UAW through the first-ever strike on all of the Big 3 automakers at once. Fain has inspired workers across the country with resolute demands for a strong contract backed up with smart strike tactics and class-struggle rhetoric, motivating DSA members to get active in the labor movement and show solidarity with the strike. East Bay DSA’s Labor Solidarity Committee (EBLS) has held 2 dealership canvasses in support of the UAW strike and is planning future actions.

These are in addition to other labor solidarity activities that DSA members have been connected to through EBLS, including standing on the picket lines of the largest healthcare strike in US history at Kaiser earlier this month. Email labor@eastbaydsa.org or come to a labor solidarity committee meeting to find out how you can get involved!

EBDSA and Sunflower Alliance members at a dealership canvas in Richmond on 10/7
EBDSA and Sunflower Alliance members at a dealership canvass in Richmond on 10/7

“There is only one viable future. We either all live together, or we all die together”
— Noura Erakat

More from the chapter

Upcoming events

👻 Halloween Labor Notes Fundraiser, Oct 27thAbout Labor Notes

🗳️ Sasha 4 OUSD canvasses, Oct 29th & Nov 5th

📖 Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee Training, Nov 7th (& 11/14, 11/21, 11/28)

🌹Fall General Meeting, Nov 12th

For a complete list check out our events page. New member-friendly events will be marked with a rose 🌹


Newsletter info

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