August 2023


Welcome to the first issue of the revived East Bay DSA Newsletter! 

Our goals:

  • Strengthen chapter democracy with links to regular notes from the Steering Committee and General Meetings.
  • Improve internal communication and help new members find where they fit in.
  • Share significant chapter news with each other, and with our allies.

Initially, we’ll be sending the newsletter out once a month. We are hoping to strike the right length that allows for both readability and information-sharing.  

Elected leaders are welcome to submit material for us to include. We are especially eager to let people know about successful actions and wins, but any news about your work is welcome. We may not have room for all contributions, but don’t let that stop you: we will usually have room for a teaser sentence, and a link to a Google Doc where you can say more.

Have feedback for us instead? You can submit that here. 

We look forward to hearing from you!


— The Newsletter Working Group



"We can build a grassroots movement to counter the sleaze, the distortions, and the mind-numbing materialism of our unaccountable and corporate-dominated media." - Barbara Ehrenreich (Foreword to Our Media, Not Theirs by Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols)


Chapter highlights

Our East Bay elected delegates traveled to Chicago earlier this month for the DSA National Convention, where one of our members, Renée Paradis, was elected to the National Political Committee that steers our work across the country. At the convention, our delegates helped set priorities in labor organizing and electoral work for the largest socialist organization in the US in over a century.

Some of EBDSA's delegates at DSA's 2023 National Convention


Our chapter endorsed local candidates and led in national labor campaigns:

UPS solidarity, jointly with SF DSA

Finally, a special shout out to the People’s Transit Alliance (PTA), a coalition of riders and transit workers organized by our chapter to fight for a truly public AC Transit. PTA is canvassing to improve conditions for drivers and service for riders. PTA has been circulating a petition calling on the AC Transit management to address the high turnover and understaffing that affects riders across the East Bay by meeting demands voiced by members of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) 192. Workers called for more say in scheduling and training as well as investment in wages and childcare to attract and keep drivers, mechanics, service workers and other frontline staffs. PTA has canvassed riders at transit centers in Hayward in June and Richmond earlier this month to talk about what they’d like to see changed in AC Transit and to get them involved in the campaign. Sign the petition and join the campaign for public transit that serves the working class!


The People's Transit Alliance (PTA) canvasses East Bay

Upcoming events

For a complete list, check out our events calendar where new-member-friendly events are marked with a rose (🌹)

Join us today

Democratic socialists believe that our economy should be built democratically, by and for working people, not by billionaires for profit. Contribute nationally and locally so that we can continue our work. We're stronger together.

Democratic highlights

🙋 Our next General Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 24, 2023 from 11:00-1:00.

 ✍️ Find minutes from our Chapter General Membership meetings here.

 ✍️ Find minutes from our Steering Committee meetings here.

🌟 New to EBDSA? Here's a handy get-started guide.


Until next month,

EBDSA's Newsletter Working Group