Divest From Apartheid

On Sunday June 3rd, 2024 the East Bay Democratic Socialist of America came together for our annual convention, and voted on and collectively decided who we are as activists and organizers, and how we wanted to allocate our chapter’s resources and hours for the year ahead. 

The decision was overwhelmingly clear: EBDSA has chosen to make Divest From Apartheid our top priority campaign, and we want YOU to be a part of it. 

As Bay Area residents, we expect our taxes to benefit our communities by building roads, schools, libraries, housing; providing us with quality universal healthcare; abating poverty and the climate crisis; and providing workers with dignified working conditions and wages. We do not consent to our taxes lining the pockets of executives of companies that profit off of the oppression of the global working class.

Currently, governments throughout the Bay Area have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in our public funds in companies that enable Israeli genocide, its decades-long occupation of Palestinan lands, and system of apartheid towards the Palestinian people. Meanwhile, our school and transportation systems are underfunded, we face crippling debt accessing healthcare and higher education, and we cannot afford to live in our own communities any longer. 

In turn, the Israeli military, bolstered by the support it receives by many of these same companies, trains US law enforcement officials in tactics that allow them to more brutally terrorize our communities at home. We are, in essence, funding our own oppression. 

DSA, the largest socialist organization in the US, has openly aligned with the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement and those who proudly identify as anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist are legion. We know that as working people, we must exist in solidarity with our global community members suffering under the war machine. We must fight for our Palestinian comrades. 

Please reach out to connect with your local EBDSA anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist core. 

We have work to do together.