Statement on Member Safety and Grievance Process

East Bay DSA stands in solidarity with survivors and strives to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for members of all genders, races, and abilities. As elected leaders, the safety and wellbeing of our members is of utmost importance and as a chapter we’ve established a code of conduct that all members are expected to abide by. East Bay DSA strives to create an environment in which everyone is safe, in which members are allowed to make informed and open decisions, and in which everyone can engage in socialist movement-building work without fear of harm, harassment, or intimidation. 

At DSA’s 2017 National Convention, we passed Resolution #33, which provides guidelines to ensure that everyone is able to organize without fear of harassment, abuse, or harm. The resolution also establishes a process to handle these types of charges between members, with the goals of fairness, political independence, and anonymity. Our local chapter has two trained and experienced Harassment and Grievance Officers (HGOs), and we take our democratically approved processes extremely seriously. If you want to file a grievance about a member’s conduct, please email:

In solidarity,

East Bay DSA Steering Committee