Multi-Campaign Canvasses Continue

With less than two months until election day, it’s crunch time for our chapter’s two major campaigns: Elect Jovanka Beckles and Yes on Proposition 10. On September 1, East Bay DSA members and likeminded comrades from outside the chapter gathered at Strawberry Park and spread out through Berkeley to talk to their neighbors about these two crucial campaigns, which advance socialist politics in the East Bay and beyond. They knocked nearly 500 doors and had many deep organizing conversations about our how these two campaigns build real power for working people and help us strike back against landlords, private insurance companies, charter schools, and the wealthy.

Again and again, our canvassers were struck by how open their neighbors are to our ideas. They see the need for a real progressive fighter like Jovanka to represent the interests of the many, not the few, in Sacramento, and that renters need protections against the greed of landlords and developers. A couple of days later, volunteers followed up with the people we spoke to to get them plugged in to our campaigns.

We’re now in the home stretch of our chapter’s biggest and most ambitious electoral project ever, and we need you! There are canvasses every weekend — check our Events Calendar for details — and we need people power to counter the big money being spent by the real estate lobby and by Buffy Wicks’ out-of-state backers. So come out to a canvass or three, learn how to talk to your neighbors about socialism, and get ready to win in November!